(915) 910-6887
1021 Long Prairie Rd Flower Mound TX 75022
Drug addiction is a disease. Too many people view it as a moral failing or a choice, but we at Moyer Recovery recognize that it is simply a disease, one that affects both the mind and the body. Because of that, you need help to overcome it. Our Flower Mound, Texas substance abuse treatment facility is the ideal location and environment in which to receive treatment and focus on getting better without the distractions of everything else. On this page, you can learn about what you will experience as a client and how that translates into better outcomes for you.
When you first enter our addiction recovery center, you’ll take part in supervised detox. This is because many clients experience withdrawal, which is a collection of negative health symptoms that appear after you stop using a drug. The longer and more intensely you have used the substance, the more powerful the symptoms of withdrawal are apt to be. Different drugs lead to different types of withdrawal. Our staff is trained to assist you through the most harrowing times, which tend to be less than a week long. Because the experience and outcomes from withdrawal vary so greatly, you will be better off if you honestly report your past drug use, especially recent drug use. We know this is a sensitive topic, but as a drug rehab facility our first priority is your safety. The more we know about what to expect from your withdrawal, the better our care can be.
You might be curious about the kind of treatment you can expect at our Flower Mound, Texas addiction recovery center. One of the most prominent services we provide is therapy. Therapy is useful for overcoming addiction. Taking part in therapy can help you learn about ways to avoid using drugs.
Our therapists assess the client’s whole mental landscape to determine what factors lead to drug use and what skills, strategies, and tools can assist in blocking those factors. There are many ways of accomplishing this in therapy, and we will use any method that has been demonstrated to be effective through peer-reviewed study. Trust will be an important part of the relationship between you and your therapist.
As a client in an addiction recovery facility, you are not alone. You are in the company of other clients in similar situations. We operate group therapy sessions that give you the opportunity to have structured conversations with your fellow clients. That can be immensely rewarding, and you can learn from the wisdom of your peers and collaborate to come up with solutions to your common problems. You’ll gain some valuable insights as well as build a closer connection to your community. An addiction treatment center is the place to create resources for yourself, whether that is in the form of friends, skills, ideas, or emotional resilience. Group therapy can provide all of these things.
After a time, you will leave the addiction treatment facility. We always do what we can to follow up and give you a soft landing. We try to find resources like housing or job training as necessary, refer you to therapists, and provide other addiction recovery programming that can benefit you. Addiction recovery isn’t just a matter of finding the right treatment, finishing it, and being done forever. It’s a lifelong issue that can be harder or easier at different points in your life.
Remember that drug rehab centers are there to help you. Spending time at our Flower Mound, Texas drug detox clinic is a step in the right direction. It is a signal that you want help and you are ready to work to build your own future.